
Philosophical Aspects of Science

What is Science ? Science is a word derived in the recent past from the Latin word 'Scientia'. Scientia means knowledge , a knowing, expertness or experience. Science is an intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experimentation. Relation Between Science and Philosophy of Science  Philosophy of science, a branch of philosophy , spends a good bit of time trying to identify scientific and unscientific work, trying to figure out the logic with which scientific explanations and claims are grounded and working to understand the relation between theory and empirical data. Thus, acceptable laws and theories of science will be outputs from this process.  Philosophical tools are used at many instances to discover and build scientific knowledge   The goal of philosophy of science is not to answer scientific questions but to answer questions of s...

Scientific Inquiry

Science can be considered as both a body of knowledge and a process of acquiring new knowledge about the physical and natural world.  Formulation of new theories in science, debunking or superseding theories can be possible outcomes of acquisition new knowledge from successful scientific inquiry. Such occurrences where refutation of theories put forward by many famous scientists were evident in the past years.  Scientific inquiry refers to diverse ways in which scientists study the natural world and propose explanations based on the evidence derived from their work. It consists of ordered steps to be followed when formulating new theories.  The ordered steps of scientific inquiry are as follows.  1. Identification of the problem 2. Observation 3.Formulating hypotheses based on the observations 4. Test hypothesis 5. Analyze results 6. Draw a conclusion Scientific inquiry generally aims to obtain knowledge in the form of testable explanations that scientists can u...

Science and Philosophy of Science

Science and philosophy of science have taken a special place in discussions of early philosophers, scientists and educationists.  Drawing distinctions between science and philosophy of science was rather a difficult task assigned on them. What is Science? Science is a word derived in the recent past from the Latin word 'Scientia'. Scientia means knowledge , a knowing, expertness or experience. Science is an intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experimentation. What is Philosophy of Science? Philosophy of science is a branch of philosophy concerned with foundations ,methods and implications of science. Philosophy of science deals with what  science is ,how it works and the logic through which scientific knowledge is built. Relations Between Science and Philosophy of Science Science and Philosophy of Science are not the same .However, the two fields...

Gender Inequality

Gender inequality is  when individuals of different genders are not treated equally such as not giving equal rights,  responsibilities and opportunities in a society. Gender inequalities are experienced by all genders but we often talk about the gender discrimination experienced by girls and women and less spoken about men. Moreover , gender discrimination is not just confined to one society but is evident in almost all parts of the world. Before digging deep into causes and effects and ways to minimize or preventing gender inequalities it is better to  understand the difference between the two terms sex and gender. Sex and Gender Gender and sex are not the same .However , people have misinterpreted these two terms and have been using these two concepts interchangeably. Sex is a determined by the physical characteristics that an individual exhibit at birth. Gender is a socially constructed role which encompasses one’s identity, behavior, expressions and societal role. Sex...

Race ,Ethnicity and Culture

Race ,ethnicity and culture are three familiar terms to most individuals in a society .These three terms are more or less controversially addressed amongst people. If you are also questioned as what is a race or what is ethnicity then most of you will  be uncertain about its answer. This is because you might have not tried to answer such questions earlier. Race and Ethnicity Race and ethnicity are often misunderstood by people. Most people think that these two terms have the same meaning. However , the two terms have two different meanings. Race is a   social construct which groups humans into categories based on the shared physical traits. Ethnicity refers to a social group which categorizes  people based on the shared cultures, norms, religion ,language and ancestry. Race is a socially created and a poorly defined categorization of people based on the real or perceived physical characters such as skin colour, texture of hair .There is a narrow range of op...

Ethics and Happiness for a Good Life

Ethics and happiness play a major role in one’s life. The two terms ethics and happiness are frequently discussed by all humans with regard to their most valuable possession which is life. However, i ndividuals in a society can interpret these two terms in various ways. For instance , some people express ethics and happiness as interconnected concepts in life .But for some these two terms sound completely different. What is Ethics ? Ethics is also called as moral philosophy. It is branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behaviour. Ethics determines actions as morally good or bad or morally right or wrong. It is much easier to discuss what is not ethics as it would broaden the concepts of ethics in narrow minded readers .  Peter Singer in his book 'Practical Ethics' stated what is not ethics as follows. Ethics is not based on religion . Ethics is not relative to the society in which one lives in . Ethics i...

Testimony and Reasoning in Philosophy

The two terms testimony and reasoning are commonly used in philosophy and its concepts are immensely used in philosophical studies. However ,these two terms are used in day-to-day lives to bring out similar meanings as in philosophy. What is Testimony? The term  'testimony' in everyday usage in English is confined to reports by witnesses or by experts given in a courtroom, or other formal setting.  But in  analytical philosophy, testimony is expressed as a process by which knowledge or belief is gained by understanding or believing in spoken or written reports of others irrespective of the setting.   Simply , testimony intends to transfer beliefs from one person to another . Testimony helps in spreading current news, gossips, rumors and one’s view in a community.  Testimonies are spread in written forms, verbally or by means of different signs and signals .The most common way of spreading testimonies is in spoken form. The speaker plays a maj...