Philosophy as a Practical Subject in Life

The term ‘philosophy’ to a person at first would sound uncommon and doubtful.  It is because you might have not heard people talking about this subject .Many people in the society regard this as a useless, unimportant and a controversial subject. However, this subject plays a major role in one's life.

The word ‘philosophy’ is derived from the two Greek words ‘philo’ and ‘sophia’ which collectively means love of wisdom. However, this term has no solid definition as individuals can interpret its meaning according to his /her attitude towards the subject.

Philosophy can be considered as a study which persuades an individual to think deeply on particular problems, reason out and critically analyze views. Therefore, it can be also regarded as a study which focuses more on fundamentals of nature, reality and their existence. Philosophy can be taken as the basement from which all other subjects and its concepts sprouted. For example, if sir Isaac Newton wasn’t curious and didn’t want to question and bother himself thinking how the apple fell on to the ground we would never know about the concept of gravity.

Philosophy can be considered as one of the most practical subjects as it enables you to convey ideas, views on any of the doubting questions in your way of thinking and others could reflect on their point of view. If you are continuous thinker of puzzling questions and not yet directed to philosophy then make sure that you start learning this subject .

Anyone learning philosophy will realize its value and its scope. Some of the benefits of learning philosophy are ;

  • enhances the thinking ,reasoning and critical analyzing.
  • develops decision making and problem solving abilities.
  • enhances the abilities to reflect, criticize and challenge ones views. 
  • improves the ability to build up arguments.
  • develops communication skills.
  • improves reading and writing skills.
It is obvious that philosophy can have direct effects on one's life because it is the discipline which caters some of the major actions required in life such thinking, reasoning, analyzing . "The unexamined life is not worth living" a saying of the great philosopher Socrates too states that if one doesn't use his faculty of thought in life, he would lead a depressed ,definite and finite life. Such individuals lead unsuccessful lives and they show higher tendency to run away from problems.
Philosophy superficially seems to be like a simple subject but a person interested in philosophy realizes its extensiveness. Philosophy has four main branches namely ;
  1. Epistemology - the study about knowledge
  2. Axiology-  the study about the morals and values
  3. Logic - the study about organizing reasons
  4. Metaphysics-the study of universe and the things in its elemental nature
Are these the only branches of philosophy? No, it is not. The following image will depict some the other areas of philosophy. Some of  the branches may not be essentially independent. 

Individuals who have no interest in philosophy will never account its value. But the truth is even without any knowledge about the subject we constantly use philosophical methods in our real life.  A person in practice of pondering on  peculiar questions such as do we have a rebirth after death? Is there a god? makes use of the faculty of thought to find solutions . Some might think what sort of questions they are because sometimes we don't get definite answers for them as expected from scientific questions. It is philosophy which addresses this matter. It states that all questions need not have one definite answer but all what is wanted is to keep thinking deeply , reasoning, analyzing ,discussing views with others and reviewing  thoughts, building up arguments and criticizing .This is because there is a possibility that you may come up with an agreeable conclusion during this  process. The same concept is followed in real life as well .Therefore , philosophy can be regarded as the most practical subject in life. It was stated by Bertrand Russel in his book 'The Problems of Philosophy' one with no tincture of philosophy goes through a life imprisoned with the prejudices derived from habitual beliefs and convictions and such men are definite and finite, have no questions and reject puzzling problems. Thus it is brought to light that if a person can have some philosophical understanding it will be of great use to their lives.

Eventhough philosophy is a  practical subject not all individuals can study philosophy . It's one's desire and beliefs that drives a person to learn philosophy. One should develop the philosophical skills to do it. One should have a free mind without prejudices and beliefs and most importantly be open minded so ideas, reasons, imaginations can flow without any restrictions. Reading philosophical texts and writing reflections can also help in learning philosophy. Reading the material at slow pace trying to understand each and every word in a sensible way works the best. Fast reading may not work for philosophy. One should also have precise writing skills such as to write succinctly and briefly. It is evident that all philosophers made use of these abilities in their works .So these skills are valuable and can be directly utilized  in our daily work as well.

Philosophy, a subject rejected by most in the society, plays a crucial role being a practical subject in life with its innumerous applications. Finally, it is evident that philosophy can be highly considered as a practical subject in life. In my opinion, all individuals need to acquire skills in philosophy at least a handful to spend a meaningful life being sensible, rational and open minded.


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